So, your potentially thinking about starting gardening & have no clue where to begin, or what to even start planting, sowing..
(How to sow seeds indoors)
Well congratulations & cheers to the most therapeutic hobby you ever going to try out, even if you suck at it!
There are no mistakes when it comes to gardening, trail & error is the best teacher..
Yes, I was there a while back, I'm no pro, in-fact I have recently taken up gardening, the kids & I absolutely love it!! I wanted to explore gardening this year & now that we are on a national lockdown with a lot of time to spare, I figured there's no time like the present.
I had already bought a ton of seeds prior to the lockdown & had an idea of what we wanted to grow (Psst, who am I kidding)
We are completely winging it & seeing how things go & grow, wish us luck, we really need it but, in all honesty, it's been fabulous, therapeutic & super fun.

CoCo - Planting strawberries
I even got CoCo involved in all the action, the mess was not fun though, but he enjoyed exploring & loves our garden sessions.
We have recently started planting our seeds indoors, which has been super fun & has kept the kids really busy & engaged.
There are so many fun gardening ideas that we have come up with to make gardening visually fun for the kids too. I will be doing a gardening series & will sharing some more bits, after all, gardening is a labour of love & is a process, so I aim to capture as much of our first years gardening, most of all to dairies our journey.
(CoCo & I planting "Honey Dew Melons")
Supplies Needed To Starting Seeds Indoors:
1. Seeds
2. Labels
3. Water
4. Pots & Trays
I recommend purchasing seeds that are in season, most of the seeds have instructions on the back of them which are really helpful. Most times you can keep seeds from fruits & vegetables that you purchase & simply reuse them.
(Someone say.."Cheese")
(Who would have thought that gardening would be this much fun!)
You will need something that you can mark your seedlings container with to track the seeds progress. You can use straws, plastic forks or popsicle sticks as an alternative, making sure that the writing is clear & easy to read.
3. Water
Water, water, water, good old water, there are opinions regarding "chlorinated" or "dechlorinated water"..Well I say tap water is good enough, perhaps my opinion will change with time, however for now, the more I plant, the more I will form an opinion.
4. Pot & Trays
Fear not, if you don't have pots, you can practically use a lot of what you have at home (Trust me)
Especially during this phase of lockdown, cartons, empty egg shells, the list is really endless. Tune in on my next blog where I will explore all the alternatives you can use.
I really cannot wait to get into the garden & start planting things, I aim to do most of the garden myself, through learning from fellow gardeners & of course making a ton of mistakes.
This time of lockdown has particularly been challenging as life really does not feel the same & so finding something, anything to make the time pass whilst helping me with mental stimulation is a given.
Until the next time, take care & stay safe
Joanna x