Today I will be sharing a few "Side Hustle Ideas" that you can start right NOW in 2020, with zero experience, the best part about these "Side Hustle Ideas" is that anybody can do them. (Yes, you can, let m
e know how you get on)
I've dropped a video version of this article over on my YouTube Channel, so be sure to head over there & have a look. (I always tell you, "I've got you")
Now, I've never been a side hustler, ok, let me start that again.
I never knew, how much I loved "Side Hustling" until I started "Side Hustling".
It was my "Eureka" moment & honestly it's kind of fun too, there's something fascinating about making money from nothing or sometimes exchanging your time through a side hustle.
If you have read my last two posts or watched any of my YouTube videos, you would by now realise that my goal is to build a "Passive Income Empire" through "Side Hustles".
Click The Link Below
It's taken me a while to gage my vision of what "Financial Independence" looked like to me & now, it's never been so clear.
Well, why not build a "Passive Income Empire"with side hustles - With a plan, hard work, determination & by working smart, anyone can do it.
As I took the plunge last year to do more side hustles, something was birthed inside me (Sounds dramatic right?)
But honestly, that's what happened, ok, ok, there was a culmination of things, a story for another day I think.
The Point
So, to the point - "Life is way too short not to be doing what you think you need to do". Sometimes you just have to step out of your comfort zone & see how far you can "SOAR".
Because after all, "You never lose, you only learn"- Nelson Mandela
What Is A Side Hustle?
A side hustle is something you do on the side apart from your normal day job which provides supplemental income.
Side Hustle Ideas
I have come up with a small list of "Side Hustle" ideas, that I believe anyone can do.
From your stay at home mother, to your university / college student, full time employee, you get the the gist!
Some of these side hustles I have personally done myself, so I hope that this blog will be helpful to you. (See, I told you, "I've got you)
Did you know that 1 in 4 people in the UK are doing either a side hustle or run (ONE) business project alongside their main day job, contributing an estimated £72 BILLION to the UK economy.
1. Becoming a NARRATOR
Earning Potential: The pay will vary per project (Let me know how you get on!)
2. DELIVEROO (Super Flexible)
Earning Potential: Average of £13 per hour (Remember you are self employed)
3. TUTORING (Super Flexible)
Earning Potential: Again this will vary on your project
4. FIVERR (Super Flexible)
Are you a marketing expert, a blogger even (yes, a blogger) the list is endless & "Fiverr" is where you need to be!
5. HERMES (Super Flexible)
Earning Potential: £12 - £13 per hour (Remember you are self employed)
6. TURO (Super Flexible)
Earning Potential: This will vary on the kind of vehicle you have & on the number of days you would like to rent your car out for.
7. AIRBNB (Super Flexible)
Earning Potential: This will vary on the number of rooms you want to rent out.
8. A LODGER (Long or Short Term)
This is such a brilliant way of earning extra cash & there are so many benefits of living with a lodger or, or 3 if you have the space.
Earning Potential: This will vary on you.
Renting your Garage Out For Parking (Super Flexible)
Earning Potential: £60 - £150 per month
This has got to be a fave, it's passive income in the highest!
10. EBAY - Super Flexible)
I love eBay (I literary have a grin on my face right now)
Earning Potential: This will vary, but I know people who easily make £700 - £1000 on eBay PART TIME!! (Crazy right!)
I cannot wait to share my "EBay Journey" with you all, like I said it's a world of it's own & it's super fun too!
It's been super fun putting this content together for side hustle ideas & I cannot wait to put up some more.
I hope this blog has been helpful, if it has do share it.
Let me know what kind of side hustles you are doing or considering.
Happy side hustling!
By Joanna Lampejo